Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

The Purple Mangosteen

Mangosteen with its Latin name Garcinia mangostana L, is a kind of perennial green tree from the tropical region is believed to come from the archipelago and Southeast Asia. Mangosteen tree can grow up to 7 to 25 meters. The fruit also called mangosteen, purplish red when ripe, although there are also variants where the skin is red or yellow. Mangosteen is known in the trade as the "queen of fruits", the durian pair, the "king of fruits". Mangosteen allied with kokam, acid and acid kandis gelugur, spice herbs from culinary traditions of India and Sumatra.

Mangosteen fruit is scientifically classified as follows:
(I) the Kingdom: Plantae,
(Ii) Division: Magnoliophyta,
(Iii) Class: Magnoliopsida,
(Iv) Order: Malpighiales,
(V) Family: Clusiaceae,
(Vi) Species: G. Mangostana, and
(Vii) the binomial name / latin: Garcinia mangostana L


In Asia, especially in Indonesia has not been cultivated and processed mangosteen optimal because it is still considered to be the fruit of the people, because of his skin color is mostly reddish purple when ingested it Sepet, and cause a bad taste in the tongue, as well as the fruit is sweet to taste but if seeds bitten and chewed its taste would be bad, so when the kids first mangosteen fruit usually used as a toy just guessing.
It is said that our elders in some areas formerly much use of mangosteen "sometimes" for medicine, for those who already know which among other properties for febrifuge fever and diaree. Yet while now, through the study of the latest clinical and medical sainsifik have proven the efficacy and advantages of the invention mangosteen with similar active ingredients in the mangosteen xanthones that are recognized as.

Xanthones is an active chemical with a structure comprising three rings and mangosteen making this a very stable when it is in the body. This structure makes it very stable in hot or cold conditions. In nature there are more than 200 types of xanthones material, but more than 40 types of xanthones found in the mangosteen and this is the most content. The main efficacy of xanthones is specifically have anti-oxidant properties, which inhibit the oxidation or aging body / body cells.
Xanthones active ingredients will protect cells and reduce cell damage caused by free radicals, in addition to useful as an anti-oxidant, mangosteen is also efficacious as an antibacterial, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory. Another very useful part of the skin of the fruit (pericarp / rind). Mangosteen skin produces purplish-red color, and very difficult to clean when stuck in the fabric, because it contains tannins, resins, and crystallizable mangostine (C20H22O5) which is easily soluble in alcohol or ether, but insoluble in water.

Mangosteen peel is very efficacious for patients with rheumatic ureat to throw acid in the body that cause rheumatism / gout. How to use a very simple and traditional to throw such ureat acid, are as follows:
1. Take a small slice Mangosteen rind then dry in the sun to dry
2. Take 1 cup of hot water, dip the sliced ​​2-3 dried mangosteen rind earlier.
3. Drink this mixture after the water was so warm and the color purple.


The most important of mangosteen is its skin, because the skin there is an antioxidant that is key in preventing disease. According to Dr. Sam Walters, a master of science in biology with specialization in human nutrition, medical research bodies in the world show that mangosteen directly cure various diseases. Recent research has found that one in four people of the United States have cancer, and 1 in 5 people will die at an early age. The best solution is prevention, they treated many people with cancer and detoxify heavy metals with mangosteen. Xanthones containing skin healing breast cancer, kanke lung, stomach cancer, leukemia, etc..

Nowadays, we have many contaminated by chemicals, pollutants and artificial materials, and substances these xanthones can capture free radicals and prevent cell damage that inhibited cell degeneration process. According to Dr. Ir. Raffi Paramawati (Center for Development of Agricultural Mechanization), free radicals enter through the food we eat and is a major cause of heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc.. These antioxidants called Xanthones in mangosteen levels can be reached 123.97 mg per ml. By consuming mangosteen regularly ageless because super antioxidants and that serves to maintain and repair our body cells are damaged and become better because the mangosteen help destroy all disease in the body and improve the system of antibodies in our body. Someone who was young when he was suffering from degenerative diseases such as age looks 60 years, but when cured after drinking mangosteen face like the age of 30 years.

According to Dr. Berna Elya, Researcher at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia efficacy of Xanthones not just an antioxidant, but also anticancer. Mangosteen peel extract which is anti-proliferation to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Additionally it also is apoptotic extract destruction of cancer cells. Xanthones able to take care of a miraculous kind of cancer such as liver cancer, gastrointestinal, lung, etc.. Xanthones in mangosteen rind are also potent mengartasi tuberculosis (TB), asthma, leukemia, inflammatory and antidiarrheal. Another benefit of mangosteen as an antifungal and antibacterial causes acne. According to Dr. Berna, anticancer, antioxidant, efficacious overcome coronary heart disease and coping with HIV, all this is only a small part of the benefits of mangosteen peel is often filled trash.

Source: Google, Wikipedia

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