Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Hello healthy readers! ^_^

How are you today? ^o^

Nowadays, we can’t deny that many people in the whole of the world getting overweight. Most of people face bad lifestyle in their life such as eating fast foods, poor diet, smoking habit and lack of exercise. Actually, since many years ago people had been faced those kinds of bad lifestyle. However, the impact from bad lifestyle is more increasing today. Year to year many people get too many kinds of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, and others. The most cause of those diseases is overweight or obesity. Because of too many people had been killed by obesity, it seems like “Obesity more dangerous than terrorism.” Wow!

What is obesity? An obese person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health and the cause is absolutely because of bad lifestyle. If a person's bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 you are considered overweight. If your BMI is 30 or over you are considered obese. But no problem, in this edition you will find the way to lose your weight and there are some recipes for your healthy meal.

Have you heard about “The magical of soybean?” Have you heard about “The magical of Manggis or the Queen of fruits?” You will get more attention to two those things and will not ignore them if you already known the magical of each them. You can take many advantages from the pouch of soybean and manggis which useful for your body health. 

Stay Healthy!


Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Obesity more dangerous than terrorism

World governments focus too much on fighting terrorism while obesity and other "lifestyle diseases" are killing millions more people, an international conference explained. Lifestyle diseases mean bad habit or bad lifestyle which is so famous among the people in the world today. Overcoming deadly factors such as eating too much fast food, poor diet, smoking habit and a lack of exercise should take top priority in the fight against a growing epidemic of preventable chronic disease, legal and health experts said. Global terrorism was a real threat but far less risk than obesity, diabetes and smoking-related illnesses, prominent US professor of health law, Lawrence Gostin said at the Oxford Health Alliance Summit here. It means that obesity is really more dangerous than terrorism. Most people get overweight or obesity because their bad habit in eating and so lack in exercise. As the result, the obesity people just eating and eating without doing enough exercise which able to balance the weight.

Too many negative effects of Obesity
The obesity people get too many negative effects of obesity which cause too many kinds of diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and others. Those kinds of diseases are too dangerous and very possible to kill the obesity people. It is why obesity is more dangerous than terrorism. An estimated 388 million people will die from chronic disease worldwide over the next 10 years, according to World Health Organization figures quoted by the alliance. It is so fantastic! How awful obesity attacks this world. However, people often ignore and do not get attention of this facts. 
Obesity seems like Time Bomb
"Ever since September 11, 2010, we've been lurching from one crisis to the next, which has really frightened the public," Gostin told AFP later. "While we've been focusing so much attention on that, we've had this silent epidemic of obesity that's killing millions of people around the world, and we're devoting very little attention to it and a negligible amount of money," Gostin told more. It is why obesity seems like “time bomb.” Most of people just have very little attention to the silent epidemic of obesity which is killing millions of people around the world. He noted the prevention of obesity and its effects had hardly rated a mention in the current campaign for the US presidency. "Yet the human costs are frightening when we consider that obesity could shorten the average lifespan of an entire generation, resulting in the first reversal in life expectancy since data collecting began in 1900," he said. 

Like terrorism, some passing health threats get major government attention and media coverage, while heart and lung disease, diabetes and cancer account for 60 percent of the world's deaths, the meeting was told.

Look at the picture! It said, “Jangankan obesitas, gemuk saja sudah cukup membebani jantung.” It means that only fat, fat had made heart get enough ‘load’ to run its function in our body, even less the obesity. The obesity will make our heart do not work maximal even do not work should have been. As the result, the obesity people will get heart attack or other disease and cause them to die. The most important thing is we have to make a decision to solve the problem of obesity. We have to make our lifestyle healthier than before, get more attention for our health, do enough exercise, reduce sugar, fat and salt content in food, and increasing global efforts to stop people smoking.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/hassan-sayeed/obesity-more-dangerous-than-terrorism-experts/380279612015378

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Herbalife for Healthy Life

            It is important to have a healthy life and understand the right or good nutrition for our body. Not only that, but we have to know how to take care of our body also. Some people maybe have a question such as, “how to improve our life style and make it healthier?” To answer that question, a young man named Mark Hughes wanted to dedicate his life to develop a nutrition company and help others by his company. Although he was 18 at that time, finally his dream came true. He had built a nutrition company for the best nutrition manager which born on February 1980 and the company called “Herbalife.”

He built Herbalife to help people in the world who want to lose their weight safely and effectively by the best nutrition manager. Not only to lose the weight but to get the weight also. Herbalife offers a wide range of products which each take care of different healthy aspects of our body. Beside to help people to lose and get their weight, Herbalife also will be able to help us to improve our health and keep or take care of our health and our body. There are two kinds of Herbalife products, inner and outer products. The inner products are Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Fibre & Herb Tablets, Multivitamin Complex, Personalized Protein Powder, Lipo-Bond Tablets, Cell-U-Loss Tablets, Herbal Concentrate, Nutrition Activator, N.R.G Instant Tea, Herbal Aloe Concentrate, Herbalifeline, etc. 

The outer products are Herbal Aloe Everyday body wash, Nourifusion Multivitamin Lotion Cleanser, Nourifusion Multivitamin Toner, Nourifusion Multivitamin Mosturizer SPF15, Nourifusion Multivitamin Night Cream, Nourifusion Multivitamin Moisture Mask, Radiant-C Dally Skin Booster, Radiant-C Face Quencher, etc.

            There are so many functions of each product. The all of functions will make us healthier and will help us to improve our habit or style to keep our body health. There is a statement, “You are what you eat.” It means that our body is built by whatever we had eaten. We do not need eat for our mouth only, but we have to give food for our cells in our body also. Thus, to get our body healthier we have to change our food first. The food which contains balanced nutrition, vitamin, protein, fibre, calcium, and iron. Herbalife has a product named Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix which contains the all of those food equipments.

Formula 1 can help us reach our weight management goals. Then, Fibre & Herb helps to eliminate wastes and toxins from the body naturally. Next, Personalized Protein Powder is very effective to control hunger pangs and to build lean body mass. It is made of soy protein, vegetable protein without fat and very easy to digest. Many people in the world who had consumed the Herbalife products feel the advantages of those products for their body.

In the right side is Mrs. Sari who consumes the Nutritional Shake Mix for her breakfast and dinner. Then, she had lost her weight for about five kilograms in two weeks and she felt that her illness disappears day by day also. However, it is not a diet. It is called eating healthy.

Source: Buku Panduan Herbalife, Amplaz Mall (interview)

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Have You Had Your Shake Today?

Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix

o you want to reduce, get, or keep your weight? Do you want to be healthy? Now, you must realize that you have to get an ideal weight. The question is why we should have an ideal weight. It is that health is begun from it. Over weight has very close relation with more than 30 kinds of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer, and the others. Not only the people with overweight who will be attacked by the diseases, but the people with underweight will be attacked also. Both of overweight and underweight is caused by the bad eating habit and bad life style. Started from now, let’s make your eating habit and your life style become healthier than before.

Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix (NSM) is a good answer for those problems. Formula 1 NSM is a healthy meal with up 19 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients in three delicious flavors (French Vanilla, Wild Berry, and Dutch Chocolate) that can help support weight management. Formula 1 NSM includes nutrition to give you energy, packed with 23 vitamins soy protein, fiber and essential nutrients that can support metabolism, cellular growth repair and production. Soy protein is a "complete protein" because of the fact that it provides all of the essential amino acids for human nutrition. For younger ages this soybeans is particularly helpful to overcome protein deficiencies. Soy protein is considered to have an equivalent in protein quality to animal proteins. Studies reveal that soybeans have the highest levels of phytic acid, an organic acid and mineral chelator present in many of the plant tissues.

"25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease." One serving, (1 cup or 240 ml) of soy milk, for instance, contains 6 or 7 grams of soy protein.  This was granted by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, by consume Formula 1 NSM to change your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you will get the benefits of those ingredients-vitamins, minerals, fiber and essential nutrients, soy protein- which your body need. It will make you reduce, get, or keep your weight and make you healthier. Give the best meal to your precious body and your precious life.


Source: Buku Panduan Herbalife, Google, etc.